Réalité augmentée

1105 mots 5 pages
Societal implication of virtual reality and augmented reality

I have to admit that choosing this topic I thought that it was once again a subject about these online virtual worlds as « second life ». I must say that I am not realy fond of technologies and that everything I learnd wrighting this essay was completely new for me.

As it is a very broad topic, I decided to focus on augmented reality. It is together with virtual reality, also called virtual environment one of the by-products of the wider concept of mixed reality, which refers to all the tochnologies mixing virtual ans real worlds.

Vice analysing the influence of this new technology on the whole society I will restrict myself to observating the impact it could have on my well being on every day life . I shall therefore ask myself the following question :

Does a non-science nor technology intersted person like me, may find some use in this new technology, based on augmented reality ?

For the sake of honesty I will try my hand on analysing this new technology with a strictly non scientific point of vew, limiting myself to very simple definitions using the less scientific vocabulary as possible instead of foolishly making a copy of extremely precise informations , which I would obviously not be able to understand properly.

First of I will look at what augmented reality is, recalling the main steps of its evolution and getting down to explaining broadly how it functions. Then I will present the different applications of AR and the possible problems it may drag along. Lastly I will try to give an answer to my problematic, telling if I think that Augmented Reality may bring a notable contribution to my life, by creating me new opportunities or contribuing to my welfare.

Augmented reality
For a non knoledgeable person like me, it is the real life with some technological additions. In my opinion, the easiest example to imagine, would be a pair of glasses which permits you to

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