
950 mots 4 pages

Morphine is a drug against pain .
It was discovered in 1804. She posed many problems : independance.
Today , morphine is the drug most effective analgesic for pain .

Moprhine causes a phisical addiction and can cause psychological dependance in some specific context outside the medical context .

Morphine acts on the nerves of the humans

A excessive dose of morphine is a serious event .
Apparition of draisines , hypotermie , hypotension ans respiratory depression .

Morphine can be used as an analgesic to relieve: pain in myocardial infarction pain in sickle cell crisis pain associated with surgical conditions, pre- and postoperatively pain associated with trauma severe chronic pain, e.g., cancer[15] pain from kidney stones (renal colic, ureterolithiasis) severe back pain

Tolerance to the analgesic effects of morphine is fairly rapid. There are several hypotheses about how tolerance develops, including opioid receptor phosphorylation (which would change the receptor conformation), functional decoupling of receptors from G-proteins (leading to receptor desensitization),[22] mu-opioid receptor internalization and/or receptor down-regulation (reducing the number of available receptors for morphine to act on), and upregulation of the cAMP pathway (a counterregulatory mechanism to opioid effects) (For a review of these processes, see Koch and Hollt.[23]) CCK might mediate some counter-regulatory pathways responsible for opioid tolerance. CCK-antagonist drugs, specifically proglumide, have been shown to slow the development of tolerance to morphine.

La tolérance à l'analgésique effets de la morphine est assez rapide.

A large overdose can cause asphyxia and death by respiratory depression if the person does not receive medical attention immediately.

The morphine is included in Table I of the single convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 and its use is regulated in many countries. In Belgium and France, morphine and its

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