Somalia situation and the world

1324 mots 6 pages
THESIS N° 2: The situation in Somalia and the world’s reaction Context: Somalia is the model failed state. It has not had a good government since 1991 and has been plagued by waves of violence. Somalia's prolonged instability has created an opening for terrorist groups, such as Al Qaeda. Now, the terrorism has begun a huge threat. The moderate Islamic government of Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed cannot operate in the capital, Mogadishu, and urgently call again for international support. Besides, the piracy of the Somali coast has more than doubled in 2008. Problematic: Is there a feasible solution to face to the problem of Somalia? The interventions of the foreign community in Somalia:
Somalia's societal problem and the famine that accompanied it were results of political and economic problems. For some people, a modest amount of assistance from the world community could do a great deal to help stabilize the government. However, to me the U.S. and UN interventions in Somalia are unlikely to resolve the country's crisis because they do not offer solutions based on African initiatives.
That should not be surprising since outside attempts to solve Africa's problems have regularly proven ineffective and even counterproductive.
Indeed, international military approaches have only exacerbated fundamentalism in Somalia. The international community needs to realize that its current and previous policies in Somalia have largely strengthened religious extremism and Somali’s distrust of the West.
The only international solution for me could be to establishing a meeting with senior Muslims politicians and the foreign community who can try to convince the militants to start a conference of reconciliation. As I said before, the current government is not the right channel for reconciliation so having the help of the international community during talks could be the solution.
Besides, the problem of pirates in Somalia (a regional problem) touch the shipping

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