Stanley kubrick (anglais)

1122 mots 5 pages
David Tisserand COM 100 Professor Weiss 03/21/2011 First Draft: Stanley Kubrick Steven Spielberg said about Kubrick: “Stanley Kubrick was a chameleon able to change kind in each movie”. Very young, Stanley Kubrick understood and had interest for one thing; each man has a part of vice inside himself. This idea will become a major topic of each of his movies. They become a psychological and physical differentiation between the good and the bad than each man choose to fight or to spread. For his praise of violence, and his way to show man’s inhumanity to man, many of his films at first had received bad critics’ interpretation, but years later, had became acclaimed as masterpieces that had an influence on many later generations of film-maker. Many different ways can be used to recognize Kubrick’s style, first the technique, then his intentions, with how the movies were viewed by critics when they came out, and finally what Kubrick gave to the Cinema. Firstly, Kubrick is known to be a great cinema technician. He was making part in each level of the creation of a movie. It was not rare to see him at the credits as director, producer, scriptwriter, director of photography, visual effects, editor… he always used a book to adapt a movie but he also went away from the original work to rewrite it like he wanted. Then, in The Shining, work adapted from Stephen King’s novel, the author didn’t like the Kubrick rewriting, which, according to him, had betrayed the novel. The structure of his scenarios was always linear, without flashback, and divided in two or three different parts. For example in “Clockwork orange” we can see “the crimes”, “the punition” and “the redemption”. At the direct part, Kubrick is really interested in the main tool of a movie-maker: the camera. He tries every time to look for new ways to use it, searching for original framing, and pushing back the technical limits of cameras than studios provided to him. For Kubrick, sets are

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