Structure du francais moderne : Introduction a l'analyse linguistique (French Edition)

75723 mots 303 pages

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Introduction à l’analyse linguistique

Pierre Léon
Parth Bhatt

Troisième édition revue

Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.


Nota: Algunas imágenes de la versión impresa de este libro no están disponibles para la versión electrónica.
Structure du français moderne: Introduction à l’analyse linguistique
Troisième édition revue
Pierre Léon and Parth Bhatt
First published in 2005 by
Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.
180 Bloor Street West, Suite 801
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 2V6 Copyright © 2005 Pierre Léon, Parth Bhatt, and Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be photocopied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without the written permission of Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc., except for brief passages quoted for review purposes. In the case of photocopying, a licence may be obtained from Access
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Every reasonable effort has been made to identify copyright holders. CSPI would be pleased to have any errors or omissions brought to its attention.
Canadian Scholars’ Press gratefully acknowledges financial support for our publishing activities from the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP).
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Léon, Pierre R., 1926Structure du français moderne : introduction à l’analyse linguistique / Pierre Léon, Parth Bhatt. -- 3rd rev. ed.
ISBN 1-55130-242-X
1. Linguistic analysis (Linguistics). 2. French language--Textbooks for second language learners. I. Bhatt, Parth
Markand, 1955- II. Title.
PC2128.L46 2005




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