The african american

397 mots 2 pages
The status of African Americans in the U.S.A has seen many twists in the story, Let me introduce you to one of the largest part of the U.S story.
In the 1619 the slavery was introduced in America. It marks the beginning of many racial events. The Slavery shows us that the Black People were clearly consider inferior to Whites. In 1787 the American Government ratified a Constitution. This one says that Human beings were not equal. In their point of view a Black is three fifth of all other people. Later, in the 1790's the increase of the production of cotton (due to the invention of cotton machine) increase the number of slaves. After that an American Civil war (1861-1865) burst. The southern States lead by Abraham Lincoln fought against the Northern States. Lincoln wants the slavery's expansion to stop. 3 years later in 1868 the government vote the 14th amendment, it grant's citizenship to all people born or naturalized in The U.S, Thanks to Marcus Gravey and to the 15th amendment the African Americans gets the right to vote. During nearly a century (1876-1965) the segregation takes place in The U.S.A, because of the Jim Crow laws. The segregation says that the black were equal to the Whites, but separated. The segregation's story is marked by Rosa Parks. She was an old women who refused to let her sit to a white. At the time it had created a controversy, During the segregation there were two big party that fought against the racism. Two party, but also two different method. The first one created in 1955 was “ The Civil Rights Movement” lead by Martin Luther King, They used non violence methods. Not everyone agreed with these peaceful tactics. Some say they were too slow. The second one was the “Black Panthers Party”. One of the most important person of this party was Malcolm X. The Black panthers used violent methods. Here are his last words : “ We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, in this society, on this earth, in this day,

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