The nimbus train

490 mots 2 pages
The Nimbus Train

Harry Burkensol , a ten years old boy, just moved to Netherlands with is mother, Alisa Vondersaled,and his father , Richey Burkensol .
-Mom! why did we have to move to this...this ...PLACE !!! said harry , angry of moving again and having to make new friends everytime.
- His mother replied gently , with no anger or emotion at all from what her son said, : sweety your dad had to move here for work.
- When can you tell me what is his job ...( Harry does not know his fathers job is ) said Harry.
- When you are old in of... Alisa said
The ten year old kid walked out of the kitchen angry.

Harry always wanted to know his fathers job was because every single year or even month they move to a different contry, city, state , anywhere really !
Alisa and Richey would though never tell them his dad's job due to safety rules.
Richey Burkensol was a secret agent working for the CIA and has been on the same case for about 20 years, to find Jimmiers Koulipolterdes, the most wanted criminal in the world. His action that cauzed him that : ambushing people and keeping them in trains till they died .
The CIA had him hostige in there headquarters for almost 10 years, intill he escaped, and vanished.No one ever saw him since...

Richey was very good at what he was doing , he earned in that matter a lot of money

( i haven't finished yet )

Le Train Nimbus

Harry Burkensol, un garçon de dix ans, vient d'emménager dans Pays-Bas est la mère, Alisa Vondersaled, et son père, Richey Burkensol.
-Maman! pourquoi n'avons nous devons aller à !!! dit Harry, en colère de se déplacer à nouveau et d'avoir à faire de nouveaux amis à chaque fois.
- Sa mère répondit avec douceur, sans colère ou l'émotion du tout de ce que son fils a dit: Appréciez votre père il devait se déplacer ici pour le travail.
- Quand pouvez-vous me dire quel est son travail ... (Harry ne sait pas son travail

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