Travailler moins est ce mieux vivre ?

1058 mots 5 pages
Bill Bryson : The bird has flown . An extract from « Notes from a big country . written/published in 1998 Writer/author : an American-born novelist /best-selling author ( Iowa , 1951) Books deal with comparing life in the USA/UK/Australia Mostly autobiogrphical works /non-fictional/fictitious A personnal exprerience : a first-hand testimony/a witness Studying the faults/failings/shortcomings of the society he lives in on either side of the Atlantic . a satirist : writing satirical/satires : making fun/ridiculing his fellowAmericans/British ( married to an Englishwoman ) and of himself A good deal of self-mockery/derision : mocking/derisive Style : light-hearted/witty/ yet with an accurate/up-to-the point/sharp insight A matter-of-fact , everyday life language/simple/informal : makes it an enjoyable/amusing/entertaining reading hence his world-wide success/worldacclaim : he is a best-seller on either part of the ocean In this excerpt/extract : he’s telling about his son’s leaving for university , his feelings about it , his son’s habits when there, but also about the cost entailed and his worries for the future if and when his 4 go to college in their turn A suitable title : The bird has flown ( the coop/the nest) 2 main parts : the son’s leaving and being missed 2 : the cost . Correction référents : our l1 : the author and his wife’s (son) l.4 they : children ( how quickly children go) l.11 : He : the writer’s son . l.12 that proves it : the fact that his son is gone/his son’s being gone . l.13 : the readers ( if you see what i mean ) Part ONE A( subpart) : line 1 to 7 : gone and missed : suddenly aware of : l.4 how quickly they ( all children) go , wistfully L6 ; l10 she was right : he has gone away ( for good) feeling of emptiness l .11 : all these elements convey a feeling of nostalgy : he feels nostalgic and melancholy , a bit sad : down/dispirited/depressed .the end of an era of role-model as a father , the end of childhood : coming of age /reaching

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