Yaourt à la carotte

2411 mots 10 pages
School Land, Crop & Food science

July-November 2010
[Student internship report]
[ Preparation and analysis of yogurts containing various amounts of carrots]


Table of Contents

I. Introduction 3
II. Aim 4
III. Materials & Methods 4
1. Materials 4
2. Equipments 5
3. Protocols 5
a. powder of carrot preparation 5
b. yogurt preparation 5
c. pH meter 6
d. centrifuge 6
e.particle size analyzer 6
f. Texture Analyzer 7
IV. Results and discussion 8
1. pH measurements 8
2. Syneresis 9
3. Particle size 9
4. Texture 10
V. Conclusion 10
VI. References 10
VII. Appendices 11

I. Introduction
Products made with milk provide protein and vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. The Food Pyramid suggests 2 to 3 servings each day. If you are breastfeeding, pregnant, a teenager or a young adult age 24 or under, try to have 3 servings. Most other people should have 2 servings daily.
Few foods help meet your nutritional needs at every stage of life better than live and active culture yogurt. And because it comes in so many flavors and varieties, yogurt appeals to every member of the family.
Yogurt is a nutrient-dense food that meets a wide variety of nutritional needs at every stage of life. Like most dairy products, yogurt is a good source of protein - an average 8-ounce serving contains between 8 and 10 grams of protein, or 16 to 20 percent of the Daily Recommended Value (DRV). Yogurt is also an excellent source of calcium. Some yogurts contain up to 35 percent of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for calcium. Most standard serving sizes of yogurt contain slightly more calcium than do equivalent servings of milk. Yogurt is low in fat and high in certain minerals and essential vitamins, including riboflavin B2, Vitamin B12, phosphorous and potassium.
Beyond these important nutrition basics, scientific research shows that the live and active cultures found in yogurt may offer many more health attributes.

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