A halloween reat

339 mots 2 pages
Chantelle Louisa Grand, (she was 23 years old, average sized in height, and had perfect long blonde hair with perfect emerald green eyes), had just sat down, with a bowl of popcorn to watch a horror movie called ‘Her Life’, when the phone began to ring.

“Hello?” She said when she had turned the T.V. volume down and had the phone to her ear.
“Get out of the house.” A strangely familiar voice demanded.
“Excuse me? Who do you think you are? Demanding me to leave my own house?” Chantelle ranted, confused.
“I said ‘GET OUT OF THAT HOUSE’!” The voice shouted this time and then hung up. Chantelle gave the phone a quizzical look, and then put it down on the table. She turned back to the T.V., and turned the volume up again, as, she began to relax. ‘Shoot.’ Chantelle thought. ‘The movie is nearly finished.’ It was only a half-hour long film.

Chantelle began to feel very uneasy all-of-a-sudden, so she looked around, and she saw a shadow in the window, so Chantelle went to look out of it. There was no-one there. She put a different movie on and began to watch it.

BANG! Chantelle jumped out of her seat and hid behind the couch. BANG!! Chantelle was shaking like a leaf. She could hear heavy, hurried footsteps walking through the house. Suddenly, the footsteps had gone and all that Chantelle could hear was her own heavy breathing and the sound of the T.V. She started to calm her breathing down and listened some more, still behind the couch. There was no noise except the T.V. Chantelle turned to look out from the side of the couch after a few seconds, and she saw a face staring directly at her, at her level.
“Didn’t I tell you to get out of the house?” The male said. Chantelle couldn’t speak, as she was so stunned, ‘it can’t be’ is all she could

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