A new global health

1213 mots 5 pages
A new Global Health The superficial view that tourist travel solely for pleasure seems somewhat redundant given that today there are many tourism typologies; sport, leisure-seeking, religion or pilgrim pursuits, environmental, business amongst many others. In medical tourism, “tourists” primarily seek medical treatment and afterwards the more conventional tourism experience related to leisure and relaxation in tourist places. The concept of traveling for medical care is nothing new, but the modern concept of medical tourism has only emerged in the past 10 to 15 year. That new phenomenun has had a dazzling growth, and it is becoming more and more normal to traveling across international borders to obtain health care. Before I set out different causes of the trend in the second part, I will begin by discribing it in the first part, and finally, I will try to figure out the present and future impacts that medical tourism have on earth and society. " Medical tourism is a term describing the fact of traveling across international borders to obtain health care. " Medical tourists can come from anywhere in the developed World, including Europe, the Middle East, Japan, the United States, and Canada. This is because of the high expense of health care or a lack of an efficient health care system; moreover, their populations have increasing higher welfare expectations. Yet, whereas medical tourism is massively used in countries with poor healthcare system, as in the United States, it is now the time for Europeans to be tempted. According to a poll given by " EuropeAssistance ", since may 2005, 45% of French people report to be ready to go abroad in order to receive treatment. For the same question, the European's average is around 52%. Nevertheless, even if medical tourism becomes more and more famous, it is still a risky procedure. Medical tourism carries some risks that locally-provided medical care does not. Some countries, such as India, Malaysia, or Thailand

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