L'évolution de la place des noirs dans la société de consommation aux usa

653 mots 3 pages
From segregation to recognition:

In this part we will particularly focus on the evolution of Black people, from segregation to their recognition in the consumer society. I’m going to deal with the organization made by Blacks to get involved into the consumer society.
Segregation targeted Blacks not only in every day life, but also in different area like housing and consumption. Segregation was everywhere: there were no Blacks on TV, Real Estate companies were not considering Black people as customers. More than that, during the creation of suburbs, Black and White people were separated. It is only in the late 1960s that a Housing Act put an end of segregation in housing.
But here, let’s focus on the consumption market.
When mass-consumption started to grow, the agencies had targets in the society, as we saw before, women, teenagers, and children. At that time Black people were not considered as consumers. When Black people first appeared in an ad it was to promote alcohol and tobacco. So we can say that Blacks were used to promote bad products, not healthy ones. But when Black people understood they could have an influence on the economy, they started to get mobilized. In the text, it concerns Operation Breadbasket, leaded by Jesse Jackson. At the beginning of the text it is said that the operation is becoming “an effective and constructive force” L. 2. It means that more and more people are joining the operation.
The main action of this movement was boycotting products from firms that didn’t employed any or not enough Blacks. Line 17 and 19. We also see that the mobilization was quick, and that the answer of the firms was also very quick. Indeed as we see on line 19, it only took 4 days for the firm to employ “ghetto dwellers”. Moreover, on the following lines we learn that housewives mobilized by J. Jackson, marched for ten days and obtained the employment of 183 blacks. Lines 22-25.
We can observe that the mobilization was concrete thanks to the

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