L'argent fait il le bonheur?

685 mots 3 pages
Does money buy happiness?
It is one of the most heavily disputed and researched questions of all time. People invented money long time ago, it was essential to make transactions, to deal, to buy, to exchange, to live between people! Without money, the world will be anarchy. The society needs money to run correctly, to moderate the relationship. Money is a social tool. It is used to exist materially, and trying to climb the social ladder. But that money contributes to happiness?
First thought, if there is one thing we can say, it is money is undeniably linked to each individual, are undeniably linked to the happiness of every human being we are. To believe that we do not need money for happiness is a utopian thinking.
Indeed, contrary to popular belief, money, hard earned, is happiness. But only if it well spent. People need money for live in our society. Certainly, when we speak of love, we like to think that money is a secondary consideration, nothing significant. But like it or not, this question is part of our daily lives. One cannot live only for love and fresh water. Life is conditioning people earlier the childhood. Indeed, we have to go to school during many years, then to find a job to gain money to support a family… If you do not have money, you can have all of that, and you will saddle alone and unhappy with nothing.
However, we know that Happiness is the most important feel in everyone's life. Indeed, Happiness is the light and freedom of movement, happiness is the smile of the heart, can we buy a smile? Inevitably, No. Human happiness is not so much the product of great shots of good fortune that happen, as the small advantages that occur every day.
Happiness is a gift. Can you buy health? Love? People know that the true source of happiness is not only monetary or material. Indeed, Money can buy a house but not a home, it can buy a bed but not sleep, it can buy a book, but not care and knowledge, it can buy a position but not respect, it can buy

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