L'union européenne depuis les années 50

684 mots 3 pages
Discuss evolution of EU through the treaties that have been signed since the origin in the 50’s A lot of numbers of treaties have been signed since the beginning of the European Union. Here are the main and which evolution they permitted. Between the 50’s and the middle of the 70’s, 3 major treaties have been signed. The ECSC Treaty which was signed in 1951, it brought bases for the future EU. Its aim was to create a common market for the strategic commodities of the time. The EEC Treaty, known as the Treaty of Rome signed in 1957. Its aim was to create a common market, primarily by establishing a customs union between the member states. The end of customs duties has been achieved in 1968 and a common external tariff has been setting up (applying to import from third countries) Finally, the EAEC has been signed, in 1957 too in Rome such as the previous treaty. It has permitted to make faster the cooperation in the area of nuclear energy. Those different treaties have permitted to develop several policies such as the common agricultural policy in 1962 or the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in 1975 which has implemented regional solidarity policy. Between the middle of the 70’s to the middle o the 80’s, one of the major treaty of the European Union has been signed, the single European act, 300 directives signed in 1986, it was the first revision of the treaty of Rome. It was necessary to go beyond the common market established previously. It was to put an end to all remaining obstacles to trade between the Member States: The issue of controls at internal borders because there still controls by customs departments to collect VAT differences on merchandise crossing borders. VAT The technical norms and standards, which differed in each member states. This Treaty also provided an increase of the power of the European Parliament and establishing for the first time explicitly the principle of a future

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