Corrige type an01 devoir n° : 02 terminal s cned

2174 mots 9 pages
Matière : AN01
Devoir n° : 02

1. Compétence linguistique (14 points)
1. Texte à compléter (14*0,25 = 3, 5 points)
The first time Dunbar came to the village was back last summer. He had found a wounded woman by the river. She had a bad wound on the side of her head and since he couldn’t revive her he had decided it was better to take her back to the village. At that time he was feeling very lonely. He hadn’t heard from his commander for months and he no longer knew what he was doing there. Previously, when the commander had offered him to keep the outpost at the frontier he had seen that as an opportunity to be alone with his own thoughts. However, soon the solitude of his life had become inhuman and only the daily visit of the wolf had taken him away from madness. But, now that he had come to know the Indians he knew that he belonged there, to the Prairie.
2. Les phrases traduites en français. (6 points)
1. Une fois la poussière retombée, Dunbar s'aperçut que les guerriers s’étaient préparés à l'attaque. (2 points)
2. L’homme blanc avait mis pied à terre et restait maintenant immobile. Les Indiens pensèrent qu’il devait être fou. (2 points)
3. Il aurait pu partir à ce moment-là mais il ne bougea pas et attendit, sachant que la mort n'allait pas tarder. (2 points)
3. Les phrases traduites en anglais. (4,5 points)
4. As he was walking towards them, he could see that one of the warriors, who had detached himself from the others, was coming towards him. (1,5 points)
5. He must have thought they would welcome him like a friend. (1,5)
6. It could have been his last day. (1,5)
2. Compréhension de texte (36 points)
Pour les inscrits en séries L, ES, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) préparant l’écrit au baccalauréat.
a) General comprehension
1. The text is a first-person narrative (it may also be an autobiographical passage. (1 point)
2. The narrator is a young Indian who is returning to his reservation after having resided in Seattle. At first,

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