Empowerment culture in grameen

5185 mots 21 pages
The empowerment sub-culture

List of Content

1. Introduction 5 1.1 Structure 5 1.2 Introducing Grameen Bank 5 1.3 Empowerment 6 1.4 Empowerment for the Grameen Bank 7 2. Frameworks 9 2.1 Hofstede cultural dimension 9 2.1.1 Power Distance 9 2.1.2 Individualism 9 2.1.3 Masculinity vs. Femininity 10 2.1.4 Uncertainty Avoidance 10 2.1.5 Long term Orientation 10 2.2 Schein’s model of organizational culture 11 2.2.1 Artifacts 11 2.2.2 Espoused Beliefs and Values 11 2.2.3 Assumptions 12 2.3 Justification of frameworks 12 3. Analysis of Grameen Sub-Culture 13 3.1 Hofstede Cultural Dimension 13 3.1.1 Power distance index 13 3.1.2 Individualism 14 3.1.3 Masculinity 14 3.1.4 Uncertainty Avoidance 15 3.2 Schein’s model of organization 15 4. Conclusion 16 5. Appendices 17 5.1 What is Microcredit (or Grameencredit)? 17 5.2 The 16 décisions 17 5.3 Grameen’s Objectives 18 5.4 Schein’s model 19 6. List of références 20

List of Abbreviations

Grameen Grameen Bank
IDV Individualism
LTO Long term Orientation
MAS Masculinity
PDI Power Distance Index
UAI Uncertainty Avoidance Index

1. Introduction 2.1 Structure
The following assignment will discuss the issue of empowerment sub-culture for the Grameen Bank. During this assignment the word Grameen will be use to talk about Grameen Bank. In the first step of the assignment we will see a short overview of the Grameen Bank, then we will analyse the frameworks used to analyse the Grameen Bank corporate culture. And to finish we will have a conclusion of this topic and we will see given proposition. 2.2 Introducing Grameen Bank
The Grameen Bank is a “target-group-oriented credit institution” (Hossain, 1988) they provide loans to rural households that own less than 0.5 acres.
The origins of Grameen Bank (Grameen means "rural" or "village" in Bengali) are young. Indeed, the idea

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