Exposé d'anglais sur les mariages gay

623 mots 3 pages
French court says "non" to gay marriage

My article is about gay marriage in France. Two weeks ago, the Constitutional Council debated the possibility of allowing gay people to get married.
I found this article on a website named globalpost.com, published the thwenty-seventh of january 2011.

It deals with two women, Corinne Cestino and Sophie Hasslauer who asked French Constitutional Council to have the right to say "I do".

The two women have been living together for 15 years and are raising four children together. Hasslauer and Cestino, entered into a civil union known as the Civil Solidarity Pact, the "PACS". For the couple, it is not a marriage but only useful for its tax benefit and other financial advantages.

The "pacs" was created in 1999 to appease gay rights complaints, but legally, it's weak, in comparison with marriage.

So, French Constitutional Council examined their case demanding the right to wed, a move that could open up the door to gay marriage in France.
The Council, that includes former Presidents Jacques Chirac and Valery Giscard d'Estaing, had to make a decision on the constitutionality of two articles of the French civil code stipulating that marriage can only be celebrated between a man and a woman.
But the Council refused. French case law doesn't favor the couple's case. In 2004, a mayor of a small city decided to married two men but the Council canceled the wedding later.

One of the two women declared "It is not so much about getting married, but about having the right to get married, like anyone else, to have the choice".

On the other hand, marriage confers the responsibility to help each other in case of sickness or money problems, inheritance rights and about the protection of children.
Hasslauer has one child conceived in a previous relationship with a man and her second son conceived by artificial insemination.
The boys, have only one legal parent, so if anything happened to Hasslauer or Cestino, those

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