
4178 mots 17 pages
Open Collaboration

A company can need to have alliances with competitors, market or even its own customers and users. The open collaboration helps to know their needs and improve the quality of the product, or even its content. This enable the organization to grow and develop with less internal efforts and staff costs for example.
Indeed, even if some companies are already huge they cannot deprive to reach a million people information and points of view source.
In some types of organizations, such as high technologies industries or knowledge organizations, this method has incredibly increased.
For Google Inc., a high technology industry, this method has been a determinant factor of its growth, the development of its new innovative tool.
Nowadays, Google is for most people the symbol of free services on the web.

I The company A) History of the company
At the beginning, Google was based in a garage in California. There was about 1 million request, at the end of the same year, this number has been increased by ten. Through its development, Google always tried to reach the artificial intelligence. People can also look for world maps, locations, books, art galleries, pictures and much, much more.
Google was found in 1998 during the growth of web engine sites in 1998. The aim of this website was to help people to find whatever they look for on Internet. The expansion of the web helped Google to develop in an incredible way. To face competition, Google’s competitive advantage was to index public websites.
Today, Google is the most visited website on the web. Most of the people searching for information use Google. Its competitors, such as Yahoo have huge difficulties trying to follow the number one, which is the most efficient and the quicker. Sometimes, the relevance of the results does not correspond to the requests, but it is constantly improving, the open collaboration plays a great role in it.
Since its creation, Google has grown

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