Green technology

305 mots 2 pages
Introduction Ideas of technology Video Conclusion

Today's electricity solutions are not renewable. For example, the uranium used in nuclear plants is not bottomless, and moreover it contaminates tremendously.

Indeed, the created waste is not recyclable and must be buried.

So, we need to change our behavior and to have better electricity solutions with which the Earth would be preserved.

Introduction Ideas of technology Video Conclusion

Solar energy
We can use solar energy to produce electricity. Installation of photovoltaic panels. Captors are very expensive. But energy is free. renewable, clean, and produces no greenhouse gas emissions.

Wind power

conversion of wind energy into electricity, using wind turbines plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, and produces no greenhouse gas emissions. non-dispatchable : all of the available output must be taken when it is available Other resources must be used to match supply with demand negligible fuel costs and relatively low maintenance costs





Use dam to keep water who activate turbines to produce electricity. Green, clean and renewable technology. Good solution but huge construction in moutains. For construction and maintenance, big costs and important greenhouse gas emissions

Geothermal power

power extracted from heat stored in the earth cost effective, reliable, and environmentally friendly, but has historically been limited to areas near tectonic plate boundaries


especially used for home heating because it's more efficient than electricity generation release greenhouse gases trapped deep within the earth, but these emissions are less pleating than those of conventional fossil fuels



requires no fuel but capital costs tend to be high

Introduction Ideas of technology Video Conclusion

Introduction Ideas of technology Video Conclusion

We have to change our behavior. We have to

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