La société française et la guerre de 1914-1918

735 mots 3 pages
European construction

1/ Truman decided to separe the communist and the democratic countries, that's why he gave money to western Europe to prevent Europe to become communist, and the Organisation for European Economic cooperation (OEEC) were created to coordinate the Marshall plan for West European countries in April 1948. Europe was rebuilt, and another important step was a plan by Schuman, (foreign minister of France), in fact, France proposed to place French and German coal and steel under a common authority in 1950, this was the first concrete stage of unification in Europe. Besides, the goal of this proposition was to establish peace in Europe.. In fact, the European countries had to cooperate, they had to fight against the high power (Americans, soviets) and prevent a third world war. In 1951, there was an establishment of the European Coal and steel Community composed by the Six (g, F, Benelux, and Italy). The European Defence community was rejected because the Gaulish refused an army with German soldiers and communist. In 1957, the Six signed the treaty of Rome, which set up Euratom and the EEC based on a common market covering a whole range of goods and services. The goal of this treaty was to rise the standard of living, to reduce the price (suppression of the barriers between the countries), to industrialize, it also pushed each country to modernize, it will create links so no more fighting. After that, the CAP was set up in 1962 which provided common regulations to organize the agricultural markets.
In 1973, the European community was joined by 3 new members (Denmark, Eire and the UK) and so the Six became nine. In 1981, Greece became the tenth member of the EC. Something different, in 1985, there was the schengen agreement (Belgium, France, West Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands) on the gradual abolition of frontier control. Well, let's come back, in 1986, Spain and Portugal joined the EC. In 1992, the Maastricht treaty was signed, which set

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