
456 mots 2 pages


Summary :

1) History of ketchup

2) What's factory ketchup

3) Circumstances of consumption

4) Etymology

5) Conclusion


1)History of ketchup :
Ancestor of ketchup is a sauce made from fish marinated in vinegar, which was very popular for centuries in the Far East. In the 17th century the English tried to copy what was then called the ketchap that was a mixture of fish brine, herbs and spices used in Malaysia to Singapore, by replacing the exotic ingredients, nuts, mushrooms and cucumbers, we are far from the product we know today. Only later as tomatoes and sugar will intervene in the mixture, so that 1870, we cook the ketchup we know today. We began to condition the first industrial ketchup in 1876 in the United States.

2)What's factory ketchup
Ketchup brand contains no artificial flavors. Its color comes from simply red tomatoes selected at maturity. No preservatives are added, conventional ingredients (sugar, vinegar and salt) act as natural preservatives. Cooking and pasteurization - Packaging vacuum steam for better shelf life.

3) Circumstances of consumption
1) Frites/Pommes de terre 22.4%
2) Pâtes/Riz 21%
3) Viande rouge chaude 12.2%
4) Barbecue 7.9%
5) Viande blanche chaude 7.3%
6) Viande blanche froide 6.8%
7) Omelettes 6.6%
8) Viande rouge froide 3.7%
1) Fried / Potatoes 22.4%
2) Pasta / Rice 21%
3) Red meat hot 12.2%
4) Barbecue 7.9% 5) White meat hot 7.3%
6) White meat cold 6.8%
7) Omelettes 6.6% 8) Meat red cold 3.7%
4) Etymology
WORD HISTORY The word ketchup exemplifies the types of modifications that can take place in borrowing-both of words and substances. The source of our word ketchup may be the Malay word kēchap, possibly taken into Malay from the Cantonese dialect of Chinese. Kēchap, like ketchup, was a sauce, but one without tomatoes; rather, it

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