Pub psp pour case study

1162 mots 5 pages

I/Racist image Cons :
I think that advertising is not profitable to the brand image. The consumer first sees the picture and sloggan and only after the product name. The sloggan and image shown may be misinterpreted. When the consumer reads the sloggan may interpret it as racist propaganda. The image reinforces this impression through several elements. The white model is highlighted and an attitude of superiority toward the black model. This is evident in the way she hold her face. She was forced to look straight in the eye, in a submissive position. Pro:
No racist idea but rather of Buzz Marketing.
The idea is to create a buzz to make speak about ourselves. Neither more nor less. One uses the consumer as relay with the advertisement. It marks its point: everyone sees post and speaks about it. It’s the goal of good campaign marketing: one speaks on the left and on the right and undermines nothing about it word PSP comes towards everyone.
The purpose of the operation? Create the debate. With this ad whole Web wondered if the ad was a racist. Every time one in spoken about the ad we spoke about Sony and\or about the PSP. I do not know if you imagine y the relay that ca in established for our mark .We will get everybody with a campaign like this. And you exist in Medias.
It is of the Buzz marketing: effective. They want that we speak about it, that works.
The objective of advertising is reached: make speak about us by persuading a racist advertising. Of the racism? I do not think... Of the provocation? Probably because to play the criterion of the skin color it is very dangerous.
We play on highly-rated provocative. If possible we place the campaign in strongly visible spaces. We spent a good moment to think about what we made. There is no symbolism in the images. There is a side provocation wanted. After all, why do not to present these women, and thus consoles, under a day of cooperation rather than dominance? The white and black

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