Quelques considerations sur le processus d’internationalisation de l’entreprise

2281 mots 10 pages
QUELQUES CONSIDERATIONS SUR LE PROCESSUS D’INTERNATIONALISATION DE L’ENTREPRISE Badulescu Alina Université d’Oradea, Faculté de Sciences Economiques, Str. Universitatii nr. 1, 410087 – Oradea, e-mail : abadulescu@uoradea.ro Vancea Mariana Université d’Oradea, Faculté de Sciences Economiques, Str. Universitatii nr. 1, 410087 – Oradea, e-mail : marietavancea@yahoo.com After the Second World War, the internationalization became widespread to nearly all industrial activities, and the services and the multinational groups developed themselves. The internationalization of the business is a process carried on several stages; by this process, the company transfers the majority of their activities from the national level to the international and then global level. The advantages of the internationalization are numerous: in the field of production, trade, finance, strategy. The internationalization process consists of three phases concerning the development of the company on international level: the initial internationalization, the local implantation and the multinationalisation. Internationalization does not resume itself to the export operations, but it became a much more diversified activity, including international trade, creation of cross-border networks, cross-border co-operation, mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, constitution of branches and subsidiaries, joint ventures etc. Mots clé: internationalisation, avantages, multinationalisation. Les prémisses de l’internationalisation Après la deuxième guerre mondiale, l’internationalisation s’est généralisée à presque toutes les activités industrielles, et les services et les groupes multinationaux se sont développés. L’ouverture des frontières (GATT et OMC), les accords commerciaux, la création des zones de libre échange et de marchés communs, accompagnés du développement des moyens de transport internationaux ont abouti à une augmentation considérable du commerce entre les nations. Au cours des dernières

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