Résumé of mice and men

284 mots 2 pages
The author of this novel John Steinbeck was a bindlestiff himself before he wrote Of Mice and Men in 1947.
This means he can relate to these people and knows how hard they had it under the great depression.
A major issue was that they had no power because of their bad economic and social circumstances.
John Steinbeck creates George and Lennie. They are two bindlesiffs struck by this and in addition Lennie also have a a lack of intelect. He often comes in trouble because of that. As we see in the context it makes them have no other choice then to escape. That emphasises the theme of powerlessness.

The surroundings are described in the context as nice with a lot of descriptions of nature.
Here George reapeats their dream to Lennie. It's about having theire own place where they can live in freedom, happiness and safety. Basically something every bindelstiff dreamt about.
This dream is an important part of their friendship and because of their friendship they think they will be able to suceed. As George says himself: guys like us don't have anybody in the world, but not us because we got each other. Eventually the harsh reality overcomes and George chooses to kill Lennie. By killing his friend their dream of having a place together dies with him.

This is how I can draw the conclusion that George did this just for Lennies own good and not because he was tired of him or something like that. The dream of having a place together doesn't make any sense anymore when Lennie is dead. I think George knows that a life as bindlesfiff wil be his

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