Tourisme durable

1042 mots 5 pages
The different effects of sustainable tourism

Nowadays, sustainable tourism develops more and more. Wether it's favour of the environment or the local community, a lot of people changes their mode of travels, of visits a country.

I.The various facets of the sustainable tourism

1)Know the country to which we go Before going on a trip in a foreign country, it is essential to inquire on the means of transportation which we are going to use (the plane, the train,...) to be able to use the way of transporting least poluant. On the other hand, as regards the country in himself, he can be interesting to know the various associations who exists there and so to know the various implemented actions for the sustainable tourists. As well as it is necessary to have a knowledge of this country of the tourist point of view (museums,...) it is also necessary to inquire about the politics which is established there, of the economy of the country, of the culture of the population, as well as the environment.

2)Take care of the country to which we go Once on place, the use of non-polluting or not much polluant means of transport is still often possible, such as the use of bike for example when it's possible. Furthermore, to take care of the environment in which we are, the renewable use of resources is often possible such as the use of organic or mineral matters. For example use the wood to warm and get back the ash to use it as fertilizer; and to facilitate the ecofriendly actions. As regards the local population, the most important is to reduce the impact that the tourismcan have, for example by respecting their culture, their religion, their tolerance...

II.A favorable tourism to the environment

1)Use of renewable resources To be favorable to the environment, it's necessary to use the resources environmental, such as the wood, the water, and to minimize uses of the not renewable materials. That's why, more and more of ecofriendly batiments use the

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