Vocabulaire d'analyse en anglais

2027 mots 9 pages
Vocabulary for texte analysis

1. Organiser son discours Introduire l’idée générale:
As a general rule = in most cases = most of the time (la plupart du temps, en régle générale)
People usually say that (on dit que)
It is a well-known fact that (c’est un fait connu que)
It raises an important issue (cela souleve un probleme important)
We may wonder wether (on peut se demander si)
There are several aspects to the problem. First of all, let’s us try to understand (il y a plusieurs aspects à traiter, d’abord essayons de comprendre)
Présenter la thèse:
At first sight (à première vue), it would seem that (cela n’a pas l’air de)
Let’s have a look at (regardons d’abord)
Let’s us begin with (commençons par)
Présenter l’antithèse:
As for the question of (Quant à la question de)
There is also a bright side to the problem (il y a aussi un côté positif)
On the one hand… on the other end (d’une part… d’autre part)
In fact, it would be more accurate to say that (il serait plus juste de dire)
In spite of = despite (malgré)
However = nevertheless = yet = though (cependant)
Présenter uns solution, la synthèse:
We must weigh up the pros and the cons of that problem (on doit peser le pour et le contre)
It should be recognized that (on doit reconnaitre que)
All in all (tout bien pesé, tout compte fait)
Conclure :
As a conclusion = in conclusion = to conclude
We can come to the conclusion that (on peut en venir à la conclusion que)
All things considered = for all these reasons I think that (pour toutes ces raisons, je pense) 2. Construire une phrase complexe et un paragraphe
Ordonner ses idées :
To begin with = first = firstly = first of all = in the first place (d’abord)
First and foremost (en tout premier lieu)
Secondly = in the second place (deuxiémement)
Thirdly (troisiémement)
Then = next (ensuite)
Lastly = finally = eventually (finalement)
Présenter son point de vue:
From my point of view = in my view = in my opinion = personally (selon

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