
410 mots 2 pages
Pub Hollywood chewing-gum : (style) (Smile cœur liquide) (sphère) (ice fresh) Pub Freedent chewing gum : (fusion) (tablette) (mybag) (box) {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Distributeurs Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Freedent Stimorol Hollywood chewing-gum Malabar Be Cool Be Cool Black Black Braingym Airwaves Hubba Bubba I/ L'histoire de Chewing-gum : History of Chewing-gum II/ La Préparation du Chewing-gum : Preparation of Chewing-gum III/ Les inconvénients du Chewing-gum : Disadvantage of Chewing gum IV/ Différentes publicités : The various advertisements {text:soft-page-break} I/ History of chewing-gum. In 1869, Antonio Lopez of Santa Anna, Mexican general, is hunted by his country by the revolution. He arrives to New York with 250 kilograms of sap, he wanted that his sap, called chicle, replaces the rubber. He confided his sap to Adams so that he negotiates. Finally the rubber will not be replaced by the chicle and Antonio returned to his country, Adams will keep the stock which he will resell in a pharmacy. His chicle was a success. Adam invests 55 dollars to reconstitute his stock and he created «Adam New york Chewing-gum». William J. WHIT adds it some syrup of glucose: "Yucatan chewing gum". William F. SAMPLE, dentist of the Ohio, obtains the first certificate of the invention of the chewing gum. History of Chewing-gum in France. 1917: The French people discover " dough to be chewed "

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