
342 mots 2 pages

English Test

Most of the time people think that each country has its culture with its customs and traditions. It’s true, moreover the American culture spread outwars United States that’s why it is present in all over the world. Has the United State become the most powerful, signifiant world force in terms of cultural imperialism and expansion ? In a first time, we are going to give exemples in order to illustrates Ian Ralston’s citation. Then, we will describe consequences of this cultural phenomene.

First of all, the American culture is pervasive in much of fields. In fact, the worlwide American culture is dominating.
The historical center of the movie studios whose name is « Hollywood » is located in Los Angeles. The icons of the music, the most famous singers are American ; for instance Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson …
Levi’s is the name of a famous company which wear many people in all over the world.
Everyone know the fast foods Mc donalds. Coca-Cola is also a good exemple in ordet to shaw the powerful of America at the gastronomical level widespread because there is a study which explain that every person in the world know Coca-Cola. The sportsman who earn the most of money is American : it’s the golfer Tiger Woods
The majority of TV series diffused in France come of America like Prison Break, Lost, Friends …
These differents examples prove that the omniprsent American culture invade and spread all the world : it’s the most powerful culture.

Consequently of this worrying domination of the American culture, many resistance movements are developing. There is on a side, tribes which are protecting themselves from the other civilizations with an aim of preserving their local customs and what’s more differents countries like France which struggle against the American culture as a voter of lawsin order to assert French’s identity.

In my opinion, American culture is threatening because

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