
615 mots 3 pages
Introduction :

There are so many games and sports that appeal to people around the world. Certains sports sont très populaires dans une région, et peu connus dans d'autres parties du monde. Some sports are very popular in a region little known in other parts of the world. D'autres sports sont un peu plus populaires partout dans le monde comme le football par exemple. Other sports are a little more popular around the world as football for example.
La popularité d'une sport est principalement déterminée par le nombre de fans, le nombre de The popularity of a sport is mainly determined by the number of fans, the number of people playing the game, the stadiums and facilities, tournaments, etc..

Many ideas on girls sports and boys sports have persisted and are still relevant. There are some sports that have exceeded these ideas, but the competition is more mixed.

I will tell you about various sports considered "boy’s sports ", others as "girl’s sports”.


For my parts boy’s sports are football or basket ball for exemple.
Football is a team sport involving two teams of eleven players in a stadium. The goal of each team is to put a ball into the opposing goal ball without using arms, and do so more often than the other team.

Basketball is a team sport involving two teams of five players who played with the hand. The goal is to score more points than the opposing team by scoring baskets, that is to say, by passing the ball through a ring placed above the ground.

Football and basket ball are practicable to compete, I say than football and basketball are boy’s sports because in compete we can see much boy’s team than girl’s team, but there are girl’s team in these sports. Moreover these sports are physical and tough. so it's easier for men than for women.

Women constitute a large proportion of practitioners, but the recognition of women's football or basketball is less.

Instead of boy’s sports there are girl’s sports than dance

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