
257 mots 2 pages
The world in the palm of your hand.

1) The Japanese consumers are considered as “tech-savvy” because they use the computing, for everything, and even more since we can check everything with the mobile phone as; reserve hotel, restoring either to buy via internet, to pay directly with their telephone and a lot of other madness still. The mobile phone replaces everything; credit card, ID card, television, in the same object... We can even say that their mobile phone groups together all their life and without this one nothing is possible, and the Japanese are crazy about it. The technology is gone in my opinion definitively into the life of the Japanese.

2) I think that the mobile phone is going to extend, the studied article was write in March, 2006 and 5 years later we let us can notice a clear progress of the mobile phone. Today, in France we have all telephones (except about exceptions) and earlier and earlier. Our mobile phone do not make that to phone, there are lots of function, as to take photo / video (more and more clear) we can send them, we can listen to our music, download applications, we can surf on internet, and very other still. But here (in France) we are not still as Japanese, in more resistance to be bought by internet … And then we cannot pay with our telephone yet. In my opinion that will be made as time goes by because we use more and more our Internet and our

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