Bbc en angleterre

1436 mots 6 pages
The bbc who represent the abbreviation of british broadcasting corporation is the more largest broadcaster it’s the distribution of audio and video signal which transmit programs to an audience. BBC is originally the reference with her cultural programmes

During a long time she was the only firms who transmited television and radio programms in the UK

Nowadays she is the more puissante firm of diffusion in he world and Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. See Mission and values

Over 23,000 people work for the BBC across a whole spectrum of regions and responsibilities; some reporting from outside Number Ten Downing Street, others filming on location in Africa.

It employs 28,500 people in the UK alone


The BBC is a quasi-autonomous Public Corporation and operates as a public service broadcaster incorporated under a Royal Charter reviewed every 10 years. this charter give rules, recognises its independence of governement and she sets that its public obligations as to be free from political and commercial influence and to answer only to its viewers and listeners

The original British Broadcasting Company was established in 1922 by a group of telecommunications companies—Marconi, —to broadcast experimental radio services. The first transmission was on 14 November of that year, from station 2LO, located at Marconi House, London
It’s the first national broadcasting organisation established with John Reith as general manager, in 1927
Its during 1932 that began the first experimental television broadcast and this service became regular in 1936 to expand and branch out into internet

-Today the bbc is governed by the bbc trust who was before 2007 called the board of governors . This part decide the strategie direction of the bbc its priorities and the chairman sir Michael Lyons. However the General management of the organisation is in the hands of the Director-General mark

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