
4695 mots 19 pages
Table of contents

Caroll’s presentation
Chinese market
The Chinese retail clothing market
Caroll’s strategy


China represents today one of the most potential market of the world and attract more and more foreign capital. There are approximately 1 200 French companies established in China with 200 000 employees. It is one of the largest markets in term of inhabitants (1, 3 billion potential consumers), and in term of economic growth as it has become in less than 20 years the fourth economy of the world. China is a region of great opportunity for all types of companies - not just large multinationals. But doing business in China can still be challenging.
During the last few years, China clearly established itself on the international level of textile production and trade.

It is a good opportunity for Caroll to enter the Chinese market because its target- the executive’s women from the middle class- is approaching the 4 millions peoples only for the main cities of the eastern China coast.
To penetrate the Chinese market, Caroll will have to take into consideration some very important factors. The legal environment can be hard to face, the brand will may need legal partners to set up a subsidiary in China. In term of products, the brand will need to realize surveys on consumers and trends, and analyze them to know what kind of products the Chinese wants and likes. Caroll will also have to adapt their products in term of sizes, prices; colors etc…, study the location of the stores and make a partnership with a local communication agency in charge of their publicity.

The purpose of this report is to design a marketing plan for the French “fashion house” Caroll which is aiming to enter the Chinese market.
In order to realize an appropriate marketing plan, several steps have to be taken.
We will first focus on the

en relation

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