Biographie de Jacob

3312 mots 14 pages
-Jacob William Hoggard (born July 9, 1984) is a Canadian singer. He finished in third place on the second season of Canadian Idol. He is currently the lead singer of Hedley.
-Hoggard was born in Burnaby, British Columbia, and raised in Abbotsford[2] and Surrey, British Columbia.[3] He learned to play piano at the age of five from his aunt, and taught himself guitar at the age of 12. He was educated in Surrey, British Columbia at Senator Reid Elementary School and Mennonite Educational Institute, and at L A Matheson Secondary School.[4] He formed the band Hedley with four friends; the name was inspired by a small mining town in Canada which the group had learned was available for sale in its entirety
-When he returned after Canadian Idol, he and his former band mates decided to go their separate ways. A re-formed Hedley, with Hoggard as the only remaining original member on vocals, Dave Rosin on guitar, Tommy Macdonald on bass, and Chris Crippin on Drums, then released their self-titled debut album Hedley on September 26, 2005; their second album, Famous Last Words, was released on October 30, 2007. Their third album, The Show Must Go, was released November 17, 2009. Jacob was also featured as one of the "Young Artists for Haiti". He was one of the many Canadian artists who sang 'Waving Flag', originally by K'naan. He was featured from 1:11 to 1:20 and then his own part during 1:34. Recently Hedley has broken into the U.S, making the show must go available to people in the United States. So far Jake and his band mates have had great sucess.
-Hedley est un groupe de pop-rock canadien qui gagna sa célébrité lorsque Jacob Hoggard, le chanteur principal, atteignit la troisième place à l'émission de télé-réalité Canadian Idol. Le groupe est originaire de Abbotsford, Colombie-Britannique. Les membres originaux étaient Hoggard, Ryan Federau, Brandon (Derek) McKay, Kevin Giesbrecht et Kevin Heeres. Ils tiennent leur nom de la ville de Hedley, Colombie-Britannique, après

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