Britain iin europe

1072 mots 5 pages





At the end of the Second World War, Europe was devastated. Almost immediately the leaders of the countries of Western Europe began to consider ways of drawing together in order to provide greater security against threats of attack. By 1957 these ideas had taken the form of the EEC.
The European Union is made of 25 countries committed to work together for peace and prosperity. The flag : The closed circle of twelve yellow stars represents the Union of peoples. This union of these nations was not made without difficulties one of these difficulties was the integration of Britain in the European union. Britain has hesitated for a long time before entering the EU as a lot of economic, political and social questions occurred. We will discuss about the British point of view on European integration has evolved from the 1950s to the present day.
What was the turning point which made a difference in the British government and enabled them to enter the European Union?

I- British point of view on the European integration in the 1950s

In the 1950s as we can read in Tony Blaires speech in 2001, we learn that main objection had to do with loss of sovereignty, British governments thought that they would no longer be in control of their own economy. The supra-national nature proposed coal and steel community which has been put in place in 1952 Britain found it useless as they said that it would be a risk for the employment, but as Tony Blair said il was a success “ and Britain was left behind”.
Their was the fear that they're relationship with the commonwealth would be ruined as they believed that with a population of around 800 million, seemed a more promising market that the EEC.
Britain refused to enter the EEC as for the importance of its

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