Bts acse

2561 mots 11 pages

I thank Jean-Charles and Christian Kernevez for having welcomed me for 10 weeks. This training course allowed me to discover the life of an exploitation with the advantages and the inconveniences which it contains. it was also beneficial me because he deepened my knowledge and taught me the management of a farm.


The exploitation is a FEIG between 2 brothers Jean-Charles and Christian Kernevez manage this poultry specialized breeding and directed to the direct sale on the municipality of Pleuven enter the coast fouesnantais and Quimper. This farm has 81,6 ha of AUA among whom 20 in property.
The exploitation was created in 1981 by Jean-Charles who was join some years later by Christian.
To develop the company, the developers have already bet on an added value with production and direct sale.
Today the ends of the partners are:
Spend time with the family and the extra-professional obligations
Perpetuate the company

The workshop free-range chickens represents more than 80 % of the gross margin. The exploitation.
Because of his mode of marketing in direct sale decided to invest in a slaughterhouse. This investment to licence to diversify the activity and of this endowed a service of slaughterhouse.
In spite of the cultivated surface, the exploitation produces only 50 % of the distributed food. The rest is bought in farms around Quimper.
The exploitation employs 6,15 HWF besides 2 partners: 3 HWF working on 100 % on the phase transformation, 1 HWF works exclusively on the farm and 2 last ones HWF in the slaughterhouse and on the farm.

Description of the environment

The department
The department of Finistère occupies the western extremity of Brittany. It has a rather important surface: 6 800 km2 what places it to 23rd rank of the French departments. It is lined by the sea on more than two thirds of its perimeter. Due to its geographical characteristics and the density of the breedings, Finistère is classified in Vulnerable

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