
535 mots 3 pages
Description de l’image:

On this picture we can see a woman in the bottom right corner. She is sitting on a chair. This wowan is a senior, she has got wrinkles. She is wearing a lot of jewelry. We see she overturns her cup of tea and she looks scared. In the lower left corner we see an old radio on a table, we can guess she has heard something frightening on the wireless. To her right, there is a pink teapot. In the background, there is a fireplace with a blue clock on top of it. At her right there is a green statue shaped as a soldier. Behind the chair, there is a painting. It shows a portrait maybe her husband ? Finally, in the middle we see a frame with a photo and a vase. With all these elements we guess that the action takes place in an old house, in the evening with an elderly person. So it is probably a scary story.


1) The first time Mrs Harter heard Patrick’s voice, she She thought she was asleep so she dreaming or had a hallucination. Because it’s impossible that her dead husband talk to her on the radio.

Text Justification: « She must just have dropped off to sleep for a minute or two. » Line 19-20
« A curious thing to have dreamed that her dead husband’s voice should speak to her over the ether. » Line 21-22

2) This story is frightening because the old lady alone in her house to hear her husband's death on the radio. I imagine the deep voice of her husband, who cut his concert saying that he will soon come for her ( Text justification : I am coming for you. Line 13 ) . It like a scary story.

3) I think it was his widow who tries to scare him. He recorded this tape for impersonating a madwoman who has lost her mind. Because it is impossible to hear a deceased on the wireless.

Redaction :

Suddenly, she threw a glance over her seat to see if the man was still there. The seat was empty, it heard like a heavy breathing beside her. Then, she realized that the man standing in front of her was the man

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