Corrigé de l'épreuve d'anglais lv1 série s et es juin 2010

588 mots 3 pages
Corrigé de l’épreuve d’anglais LV1 Séries S et ES juin 2010
1) The main character is Amit.
2) He was born in the United States of America, l. 22-23 “people always assumed that he’d been born in that country and not in Massachusetts.”
3) a) Langford is the high school in which Amit will study.
b) Winchester is the city where he lived with his parents.
c) Calcutta is the city where Amit’s relatives live in India, and where Amit’s parents had lived before moving to Dehli.
d) Delhi is the city in which his parents had moved to when they had left Winchester.
e) Massachusetts is the State where Amit was born and brought up.
4) We learn that his parents are of Indian origin, his father is an ophthalmologist. His parents are well-off people, since they have a flat with many domestics.
5) Because of his job as an ophthalmologist, Amit’s father was invited throughout the world so as to teach in hospitals. That caused the family to move a lot and settle in various places in the whole world.
6) Firstly, he was the only student of Indian origins: l. 22 : “Amit was the only Indian student”, and that was apparently the first time it happened to him. Moreover, he had arrived there for the fourth year, and his classmates already knew one another, so it was not easy for Amit to become integrated: l.25- 26 “by that time, friendships (…) in place.
Amit also had to go to church on week ends: l l.28-29: “attend chapel on Sundays.”. In addition, even though he was a brilliant student before, he had to work very hard to have good results in Langford: l.27: “he’d had to work doggedly to maintain his grades”.
Lastly, Amit realised that his classmates were far richer than him and his family: l.29 : “ his parents’ wealth was laughable compared to the majority of Langford boys.
7) This sentence shows that, despite the difficulties Amit had to face and the fact that he missed his family very much, as far as his integration is concerned, he tried to do his best to adapt

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