Cote d'ivoire

535 mots 3 pages
U.N., EU urge release of Ivory Coast election results
From Eric Agnero, For CNN
December 2, 2010 -- Updated 0534 GMT (1334 HKT)

Ivory Coast's former PM and presidential candidate Alassane Ouattara casts his vote on Sunday in Abidjan.

Abidjan, Ivory Coast (CNN) -- United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is warning against interference with the Ivory Coast electoral commission after a midnight deadline passed without the announcement of results.
In a statement Wednesday Ban said he regretted the delay but stressed "the need for the Independent Electoral Commission to complete its work and announce the provisional results," adding that the commission should receive more time "if required."
Earlier, the European Union representative, Catherine Ashton, called on the commission to publish the results by Wednesday evening as scheduled, calling it "essential to fully complete the process," according to a statement. declaration
Once the electoral commission proclaims the final results, the constitutional council would then validate them.
The release of the results had already been delayed twice.
Late Tuesday two electoral commission members from President Laurent Gbagbo's party physically stopped the announcement of partial election results, arguing that they were not complete and the announcement was illegal.
Early results from a small portion of ballots scrutiny vote in the presidential runoff deuxième tour, election gave former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara a lead over une avance, être en tête incumbent sortant Gbagbo, the country's electoral commission reported Monday.
The results showed Ouattara leading Gbagbo by a margin of 60 percent to 40 percent. But the count was limited to a portion of votes cast overseas, about 15,000 of the west African nation's 5.7 million registered voters.
In the initial October 31 election Gbagbo finished ahead of Ouattara, with 38 percent of the vote compared to the challenger's 32 percent.
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