Cours thatcher

1886 mots 8 pages
The Thatcher Revolution 1979-1990 and its legacy for Britain.

1. Strife in the Seventies and the end of old, industrial Britain.
During the 1970, Britain joined the union European unity (1973). Many laws were past to improve equal opportunities for women. However, the end of the 1970’s is remembered overall as a time of hanger and conflict characterised by the increasing power of the trade union. In the winter of 1978/1979, Britain was paralysed by a series of public sector strike. There was high unemployment; in fact it was the highest since the war, high inflation and energy crisis. The British economy was on the brink of collapse. Many talked about British disease and blamed an expensive welfare system, power full trade union and over side public sector and a decline in productivity. 2. Introduction to Thatcherism a) The context in which she came to power
In this climate of decline that Thatcher swept to power determined to reverse the trend. She argued that the government was too involved in economic decisions, that the entrepreneurial spirit of British people has been discouraged by the high taxes and by too much dependence of the state. She believed she identified the element of this “British collapse”. She promised a change of direction. She wanted to create a new economic order. She also represented a new style of governing, confrontation, adversarial or “convict” politic. On the 4 of May 1979, she became Britain 1st woman price minister and she reminded prime minister for 11 years, longer than any prime minister in the 20th century. b) Thatcher’s philosophy –economic liberalism (make the British less dependent on the state, patriotism, family values)
Thatcher’s philosophy was based on economic liberalism, patriotism in foreign affaires and family values.
She was the daughter of the grocer and she wanted to remodelise Britain based on Victorian values. At the same time, Thatcherism brought high level of consumption, credit,

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