Cours d'angla

19687 mots 79 pages

Marbury vs Madison
14th amendment
Luther vs Borden
Missouri compromise

→ The constitution was drafted in 1787 and was fully ratified in 1791.

Article 1 : it deals with all the powers and the principal branch which is the congress composed of the house of representatives and the senate. So it’s extremely powerful once you are elected for what you are empowered to.

Article 2 : it deals with the executive power : it’s the President.
There was a paranoia in XVIII century because of a fear the monarchic dictatorship.

Article 3 : it deals with the judiciary branch of the government : it’s the supreme court.
When it was created in 1787, it was not very powerful : for example there was no building constructed for the supreme court. By issuing every major decision, the supreme court establishes our moral vision : for example concerning Human Rights.
Originally it was just created to be an appeal court.
→ why the politic of abortion would be determinate by the supreme court ?
Because it have now the final statement on everything concerning morality : for example what Civil rights are, few years ago it also decided the presidency.

The congress and the president expressed the will of the people that’s why they have to be elected:
Senators : 6 years : they could be re-elected indefinitely.
Representatives : 2 years : they could be re-elected indefinitely.
President : 4 years : only 2 terms maximum : originally it was a custom

The representatives mandate let them be very close to the people: the house of representatives does represent the will of the community in the very strict sense.
For the senators it’s 6 years that’s why there is more independence towards the people: each state will have 2 voices representing them in the senate. It represents the community in a broader sense: economic,

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