
494 mots 2 pages
Kate Todd investigates on Mr. Boffin’s crime. There are some clues which prove that’s a murder. So she will ask people who were with him often. And she begins with Mr. Test: his best friend and one of his flatmates.

Juliette: “Mr Boffin was 30 years old. We may suppose he died around 10 pm. We were able to notice that there are some traces of digitalin in his stomach. That’s why; we can deduce he was poisoned. “she explains slowly. “And Mr. Test, you know Mr. Boffin since a long time…”

Simon: “Yes, I’m so shocked; we were best friends since our studies.” He interrupted sadly.

Juliette: “I understand, I know it’s difficult to lose someone who is important. But if you are here, it’s due to the death of your friend and I have to ask you some questions.” She declared calmly.

Simon: “Ok! I’m ready” he said anxiously.

Juliette: “What did you do yesterday around 10 pm?” She asked kindly.

Simon: “I spent the night with my girlfriend Miss. Blue. We went to the cinema and at about 12 pm, I come back to my flat. Mr. Brain was there and he can confirm if you don’t believe me.” He answered proudly. “But Miss. Rose was absent.”

Juliette: “Oh yes, you were flatmate with Mr. Boffin and two others persons: Miss. Rose and Mr. Brain.

Simon: “That’s true”

Juliette: “You must say the truth. I will ask Mr. Boffin’s flatmates. If I have some new, I will call you.”

Simon: “Ok. Thank you, I hope you will find the murder.”

Mr. Test goes out. Kate Todd calls immediately Miss. Rose. When Miss Rose is in the police station, Kate explains the situation.

Juliette: “Did you know Mr. Boffin since a long time?”

Simon: “Oh yes” She laughed. “He was my boyfriend during two years but he saw another girl in secret. When I heard the truth, I was so angry that I left him. But we stayed very good friends and before his death we shared a flat with two other persons.” She insisted on the word: friend.

Juliette: “Yes I know for the flat. But Miss. Rose, when Mr.

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