
392 mots 2 pages

JOSE: Excuse me; may I have a bottle of water please?

CANDIDO: Yes, of course! What’s your name?

JOSE (desperate): I’m Jose Garrido, and I lived on a farm, but now, I don’t manage to earn a good living because living conditions were destitute and miserable. It was unbearable and impossible to live without running water, no gas, no electricity either… It was so difficult and appalling; that’s why my wife left me, because we starved all day and both, we were exhausted.

CANDIDO: Oh yes, I understand those living conditions… And I’m so sorry to hear that…

JOSE (surprised) : Really ? I’m touched. And if I’m here today, it’s to prove to my wife that I’m going to try to live the American Dream, and I hope to earn my life and perhaps, my wife will come to join me.

CANDIDO (looking at his wife America) : That will be perfect, I want to go to the USA and cross the border, because my wife is pregnant , and you know, we want the best living conditions for the future baby , and above all, that when he’ll grow up , he will be able to go to school and other things.. Just simple needs! We are just doing all this to star from scratch.

JOSE (afraid): But, if we get caught? What will we do? Maybe we’ll go to jail, and then, we’ll be sent back to Mexico! I’m so frightened and nervous about that.

CANDIDO (trying to be reassuring): Don’t think about that! Of course, we’ll be scorn… but you’re ambitious, and courageous. So, let’s escape from this poverty, and start a new life, without worrying about the barriers that we could find!

JOSE (having eyes that are sparkling): I’d love to become rich , and earn my money , well, I hope to manage to find a job in the US, and I want to fulfil my dream : start s new life on the other side with my wife, and have a baby who I will be able to raise without any difficulty.

CANDIDO (affected): This is the fancy that we’re dreaming all the time. And I love that all that you said will become true. Let’s

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