Doc ses

344 mots 2 pages
First, parents as experienced adult should lead their children into experienced ones too; making all important decisions which might be a crucial lesson for them should be prohibited. Theoretically, making a decision is almost the same as solving a Mathematics problem since one uses his experience and knowledge to overcome such tasks. In fact, having parents decide what to do all the time for children, which like teachers always indicate solutions, deteriorates their judging skill. As death is inevitable, parents should recognize that one day they exist nowhere, they should let their children make a decision by themselves so that they can manage how to make a decision better in long run.

Second, only children themselves know what is inside their deepest urge. Parents' advice might be fine in their point of views but not in children's point of views. Believe me, obligating children to follow their parents' pace will lead to a failure in the future. For instance, one of my senior enrolled into medical faculty due to his parents' compulsion; however, he longed to be a singer. As a result, he didn't persevered in his studying, thus his grade is horrible.

Third, especially for teenagers, the fact that even now they still need parents' advice extremely humiliates themselves. As treating teenagers like that triggers them to be under a delusion that parents still look at them as a baby in pamper. Parents should perceive that we, teenagers, want to act like we're now mature so the best thing to do is just giving us love and information not a pure decision.

In everyday life, we have to face problems in making a decision; the decisions we made now can payback to us anytime. The better one knows how to make a proper decision, the better for him to grow into a promising adult. The thing is parents shouldn't help their children in making a decision by tell them what to do because that might make their children into inexperienced adult, contrast to their ideas and

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