En ligne

293 mots 2 pages
I'm16 year old and I living in Toulouse. With this letter, I would like to apply for participation as a volunteer in ------. I found your program at the « pole emploi ». I loved the opportunity to be volunteer for an humanitarian project last year, and I immediately knew that I wanted to be a part of it. I'm shure that participating in a social work, in a project like this, is the best way to do something that really fits to me. I take this opportunity to develop my culture, language and learning from people from all different backgrounds. In october 2009, I obtained a master degree in architecture school of Toulouse.I love everything about architecture and design, especially architect like Jean Nouvel or Mies Van Der Hoe.
I also have a high interest in organizing events, especially musical events. Aside from school, In October 2010, I'll organize a fund raising event and a concert for a non-profit organization. My other hobbies are listening to music, watching movies and spending time with my friends and family. I enjoy sports, especially windsurf or swimming. I can behave individually by taking initiative and responsibilities to accomplish my work, but I'm also able to work in a team. More other, I am quick to adapt to new situations and enjoy challenges in my work. This opportunity would mean a great experience for my professional and personal growth.. I am eager to meet challenges and find ways to improve myself. I would be very grateful if you would give me a chance to contribute to this project.

I thank you for your time and hope for a positive response.
If you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail. Yours

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