Etude sur la double face de spider man (anglais)

1118 mots 5 pages
Spider man : a totally nuts heroe ?
Spider man is a comic character created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in Amazing Fantasy n°15 published by Marvel Comics in 1962. Since 1963 Spider has had his own comic book: the amazing Spider-Man.
Spider-man is one of the most popular characters of comics in the comic’s world.

On the basis there is Peter Parker:
He is a human just as the other one.
His parents died when he was 6 years old and he was brought up by his aunt and uncle.
He was a real introvert child and teenager.
It seems that he was bitten by a spider when he was 15 years old.
Here began the transformation =

Description of Spider-man: * Improvement of his senses * Can know when a danger is coming * Agility * Reflexes * Good sense of balance * He can climb building walls only with his hands and feet.

Basically spider-man: 1. Helps people when they are in a desperate situation 2. Fight against other monsters or people who transformed voluntary themselves ( ex: the green goblin)

On a certain point we can consider Spider-man as a monster why?
First of all = monster >monstrum in Latin = unnatural event.
Because his DNA has been changed a human affected by a mutation which helps him to be better than the other human is no longer a human
It is an hybrid.
Or an alien. An alien isn’t a human so if spider man is an alien he can be considered as a monster.
For example:
The X-men: they suffer of a genetic mutation = a kind of evolution but considered as something else than humans.

When we talk about the famous red and blue hero Spider-man, we also have to talk about the black version of him.
So why he changed his costume? * It is because of a symbiot .

Symbiote > sumbioun = to live together.
In fact it is an alien which uses a body.
Here it comes from a meteorite and it has a smarmy and black aspect.
It use the body of Peter Parker and in fact this of Spider-Man.

When an alien takes

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