Exposé en anglais sur la nouvelle orléans

1139 mots 5 pages
Beauty Jazz Devastated Parades History
Water Joyful French Louisiana Music
Bayou Tailgate Colored Festivals Cajuns Swing Welcoming Culture Hurricanes Beauty Jazz Devastated Parades History Water Joyful French Louisiana MusicBayou Tailgate Colored Festivals Cajuns Swing Welcoming Culture Hurricanes Beauty Jazz Devastated Parades History Water Joyful French Louisiana Music Bayou Tailgate Colored Festivals Cajuns Swing Welcoming Culture Hurricanes
Beauty Jazz Devastated Parades History
Water Joyful French Louisiana Music
Bayou Tailgate Colored Festivals Cajuns Swing Welcoming Culture Hurricanes Beauty Jazz Devastated Parades History USA Open Live Foods
Water Joyful French Louisiana Music
Bayou Tailgate Colored Festivals Cajuns Swing Welcoming Culture Hurricanes

Water Joyful French Louisiana Music
Bayou Tailgate Colored Festivals Cajuns Swing Welcoming Culture Hurricanes

New Orleans
A Joyful City

New Orleans is a city of Louisiana. It’s 4 times more populous than Nancy. It’s a city surrounded by water (the Mississippi River, Lake Pontchartrain and many bayous, canals or waterways).


The weather is pleasant all year long but at the beginning of the spring and in autumn it is raining. Summers are warm and wet; hurricanes are dangerous conditions in New Orleans.
One on the particularity of the climate takes place in South Louisiana. There are swamps called the bayous where we can make tours in a custom built swamp boat to discover the beauty of the nature, observe alligators, egrets, raccoons, nutria and many species of snakes.


This city was founded in 1718 by two French brothers: Jean Baptist Lemoyne de Bienville and Pierre Lemoyne. Then it became Spanish. 40 years later, it became French again, and then it’s sold to the USA.

Hurricane Katrina of 2005 was a costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the five deadliest hurricanes, in the history of the USA. More than 1,900 people

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