Face cachée des banques

1109 mots 5 pages
The far side banks
(La face cachée des banques)

This Eric Laurent's book is about the huge financial crisis which began in 2007, and that our economy is still suffering. Mr Laurent takes us in the abyss of the financial system and explain the causes of this big failure. Based on several testimonials we discover the real reasons of this phenomenon often surprising.

. He begins with the case of AIG, which was one of the most representative (everything in) the ins and outs of this financial crisis, as well as individuals who ordered this system fell. For example, AIG were implanted in 130 countries, so this company was considered “too big to fail”. So because of this, the Ministry of Finance (directed by Henry Paulson) and the Fed (chaired by Ben Bernanke) will rescue the insurer by injecting massive amounts of dollars into the company (180 billion!) when losses of the year amounted to over $ 100 billion. We are in march 2009 at that moment, and few days later, AIG has disclosed to the press for the payment of bonuses to his staff, for a total of 165 million$(in reality just for 360 people!). It was really shocking, but it was still produced and it was perfectly legal! With this example, Eric Laurent, shows us how the triggers of the crisis, have enjoyed legally and been bailed out, so finally the greed and recklessness were visibly accepted. This is an example among many, (and there are many) , but it reflects the excess of efforts to save in part those triggers of biggest economic crisis since 1929.

.Then in his book, Eric Laurent, will appear the links that were not imagined so close between finance and politics (and geopolitics). He writes a fact that occurred in 1930. Stalin had needed of foreign currency (the result of poor harvests in the country) so he had sold to Andrew Mellon (banker and finance minister of President Hoover), in secret, a collection of Art. It was, and may be still probably the largest private collection of paintings. She had

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