Facebook company analyse (english)

2095 mots 9 pages
Introduction of the Company: Facebook

The way in which internet has become a part in the everyday life switched the social networks from just websites to a global phenomenon. Social networking enables people to create their own profile and to keep in touch with their friends, family or just random people.
One of the most famous social networks is Facebook. It was created in Harvard, USA in 2004 and at the beginning the access was granted only for the students. Since 2006, everyone has been able to join by just giving an email address. Now, it is the 2nd more visited website just after Google.com.
Facebook gathers more than 300 million members all around the world. This is why it is the biggest social network with, in sequence, competitors as MySpace, Windows Live Space, Friendster, hi5, Vkontakte and Orkut.
Put some figures

1) Analysis of the Environment.

- PEST Analysis (Far environment)

The PEST Analysis is a test of the Far Environment (external), which allows us to know better our own threats and which include the society factors that may affect the organization we're working with and over which we have no influence. The way to study those factors is through four main pressures, which are:

Political Factors: In this part, as it is says in the chart the Governments are developing laws to fight against the lost of personal privacy this implicates that it'll get harder for networks to deal with future privacy conditions, and they'll may be need more restrictions and regulations on the site.
There is a high pressure to crack down Child predators, who can use the social networks to hunt their victims; this means that the Government can have an interest to shut down the networks alive.

Economic factors: we can say that everyday there’s more and more people joining, and also the network service is now a days a free service the economical crises don’t have a huge impact on our market. We also can add that related to the unemployment, social

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