
446 mots 2 pages
Face book had developed detailed sets of privacy controls ,so ;
You can restricted your personal information for some friends or just for yourself,
Same thing about photos and list of your friends, you can make it accessible for persons you want
Also, recently, facebook has updates its politics of revelations of the vulnerabilities of the site to incite the researcher of bugs to share with him the information on the faults of the sites.
But unfortunately, in spite of the supplied efforts the site still contains a number of security issues that can put us at serious risks if we are not careful
So, the number of facebook account hackings seem to be increase ,and this for several reasons: *low level of security (safety)of the password *all applications who ask to access your profile information :
Facebook doesn’t bother to check any of this applications ,there is no rating system ,so we have no idea if the apps is safe or malicious *indicate’s photos and persons:
Facebook set up a system to indicate some photos or persons if it is necessary, but doesn’t take any measure when it happens. *another serious problem is that when a person joins in the site ,it cannot any more destroy its personal data even if the account is deleted.

All this issues lead consumers to go towards ther others social network like ,twitter ,myspace + Monsieur le Directeur,

Actuellement en fin de première année de Master Management à l’Université de [nom], je désire continuer à m’investir pleinement dans ces études. Dans le cadre de ma deuxième année, j’ai choisi l’option contrôle de gestion et audit et je dois effectuer un stage en milieu professionnel.

Votre cabinet d’expertise [domaine, nom ..] correspond tout particulièrement à ce que je recherche. Selon vos besoins, ce stage pourrait s’effectuer en une fois pendant une durée de 6 mois dès le mois de janvier prochain où par le biais d’un contrat d’apprentissage à compter de la prochaine rentrée

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