Fiche de lecture : to kill a mockingbird

2297 mots 10 pages
To Kill A Mockingbird
The story takes place in Maycomb, a small town where everyone knows everyone. Like the narrator says a day equals 24 hours but they seem much longer. The narrator is a young girl called Jean Louise Finch. Her nickname is scout. She has a big brother named Jem. Her mother died when she was 2 so she does not remember her. Her father is a lawyer and his name is Atticus. Later on in the story he will have to defend a Negro. The story starts at the end. It is a flashback. She recounts all the events preceding the incident leading to the trial.
The summer the Finch family met Dill changed their life. Dill comes in the summers to Miss Rachel’s house. He and Scout love each other. Since Scout and Jem told the story about Boo Radley to Dill whose real name is Charles Baker Harris, he is fascinated by him. So they try and make him come out. Jem has been challenged by Dill, to touch the door of Boo’s house to make him come out. It fails. Boo Radley, whose real name is Arthur Radley, is a man who is kept by his brother inside the house because of a mistake he made when he was younger.
September arrived and it was time for Dill to go. It was Scout’s first year in school, and obviously her first day was a disaster, she had changed her mind on what she thought about school. She even wants to quit school and read with her father. The year passes and scout still does not like school. Jem tries to comfort her by telling her that as years pass it gets better.
It is summer again and Dill comes back to Maycomb. They invent a new game which consists of reconstituting Boo’s life and playing it. Atticus tells them to stop their game and leave Boo Radley alone. Little by little

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